Stardoll is Evil

Stardoll sucks monkey balls.

What lame assed nerd thought, “You know what would be funny?  Let’s release LE in the mail without warning them.  What are they going to do? They are just little girls and little boys, and powerless homemakers or grandmothers. Muwahahahaha,  And, to add insult to injury, let’s allow them to sell that 250 sd dress and see those unlucky few grovel and beg. Let them all fight amongst themselves.”

How is this good business?

Is this even ethical?

What’s the logic in releasing LE by mail?

Do you want us all to just sit by our computers and wait for you to beckon us?

No! I will not be your stupid slave.

Stardoll, you just got deducted Karma points.

It will all come biting you in the ass.

And to the lucky few who actually got the dress, congratulations.

To those, like me, who were too late, I feel your pain sistah. I wish there was something we could all do to justify our unlawful discrimination.

So was this whole LE by mail thing fair?

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