Editorial ♥ || "The Collections": Juju Ivanyuk by Sebastian Kim for Harper's Bazaar UK February 2012

Harper's Bazaar UK February 2012
"The Collections" ♥
Model: Juju Ivanyuk
Ph: Sebastian Kim
St: Brian Molloy
Hairstyle by: Tony Chavez
Makeup by: Maki Ryoke

source | Zinio
You have read this article / Brian Molloy / Editorial / Harper's Bazaar UK / Juju Ivanyuk / Maki Ryoke / Sebastian Kim / Tony Chavez with the title Editorial ♥ || "The Collections": Juju Ivanyuk by Sebastian Kim for Harper's Bazaar UK February 2012. You can bookmark this page URL https://viciomusicayelamor.blogspot.com/2012/01/editorial-collections-juju-ivanyuk-by.html. Thanks!
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