W- Jennifer Garner January 2010



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W Magazine January 2010

Styled by Lori Goldstein

W has always been good with celebrity profiling, but these past few have been really disappointing. Uma Thurman was OK, then there was the art issue which I always look forward too, then that Demi Moore in black and white, which was kind of boring… and now this? It is the exact same thing as Demi Moore’s practically. Same black and white styling and no interesting clothing. I really enjoyed Ginnifer Goodwins because they took a celebrity and did something different,  almost bazaar and they took risks. W hasn’t been doing that lately and the last issue was really really boring. The only other shoot they had was of the broadway cast of a play all in Armani… and in black and white! This wasn’t styled by the usual Camilla Nickson so maybe that is the reason?