More September 2009 Covers

Linda Evangelista, Kate Moss, Lady Gaga and Amber Valetta for V 61
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Kristen Stewart by David Sherry for Dazed and Confused
Yulia Leontieva by Takay for Velvet
Tavi from Style Rookie in artwork by Damien Hirst for Pop

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Ashley Olsen for Marie Claire
Eva Mendes for Marie Claire UK
Sienna Miller for Harper’s Bazaar Australia
Jessica Simpson for Glamour

Daniela Kocianova for Elle Czech
Gwen Stefani for Elle Norway
Drew Barrymore for Elle South Africa
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Zhany Ziyi for Vogue Korea
Maggie Cheung by Nick Knight for Vogue China
Maggie Cheung by Wing Shya for Vogue China


Freja Beja Erichsen  by Terry Richardson for Purple fashion…which is funny because of the girls posting pictures of it in tfs in these poses and they dressed up for their photoshoot too:
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