How Do You Like Trentini’s New Bangs?


She doesn’t have that big a forehead but those bangs make it look like she does.

I wonder why she is so mad…

Someone has said that she looks like a retarded lion. I agree.

I also think she looks like a k1cef6 .

Roar. Fierce.24evwc2[1]

In other model make over news, Alana Zimmer has “gone and chopped off all her hair.”(source)

immaculeemiles04_0[1] Lawd have mercy.
0330091725_M_Alana_Zimmer_450[1] LacostebksF9017-8eb[1] She looked precious with those bangs.

Knowing how supreme does their makeovers, I am not looking forward to the resultalanazimmer2yj7[1]