Staresigner Love

I am so honored to have been featured on Stardoll’s Top Designer. Thank you Thatgirlsophy for the honour!

So with that happiness I went on a little shopping spree and found some items from my favorite designer. So I thought I’d share her with you.  I think she doesn’t have the recognition  she deserves.

This is my private collection of ska-diamond’s designs. She is such a genius. I have to admit that every time I visit her suite, I feel incredibly envious of her talent. She always continues to grow and develop new techniques. Always innovative, she chooses the most interesting subjects to design (like Amy Winehouse, Gaga, Space and flowers). Definitely a “designer’s designer”.

Here is a mini-tour of her awesome star design suite.
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So drop by her suite and see of she has anything for sale. She is the best!