
It is murder for Fox to show us the first episode after the American Idol finale and then expect us to wait patiently until September.

Gah, I can’t wait for this show.

Not really fashion related. I just really love this song and I love it even more when amateur sing it.

Yeah, and I thought of this clip because I was watching Family Guy.

It is a slow news day.

Who knows, maybe I am the only one who cares about the kid in the wheelchair and this whole show, IDC.

Actually, it is a little fashion related.  The fashion forward gay who gets bullied, almost thrown into the garbage, plaeds, “Please this is from Marc Jacobs new collection!” So he hands someone his Marc Jacobs man bag before getting dumped into the garbage. Classic!

The whole episode is on Hulu below.

I really quite love this show! I went to school with these exact same kids.  And in my school, there was also a scandalous incident that involved a full blown police investigation when one choir teacher was arrested under grounds of felony (touching one of the students).