This Gives Me Chills

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Behind the scenes of this photo.
This is how you stay in the moment and take a good photo (or scene in a movie).

And here is the original inspiration.
In this scene, the woman thinks she is about to die.  She is pleading for her life.
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She thinks she saw death.

This movie, if not all of Alfred Hitchcock’s films, have been very influential to me.  Not only because they are a masterpiece, but because they have great fashions (think Grace Kelly from Rear Window or To Catch A Thief).

In this movie especially, clothes play an important part in telling the story of the character.  This gray suit that Kim Novak wears in most of the movie is incredibly influential to designers to this day.

And that necklace that Kim Novak and Renee Zellweger wear in those photos above play an important role in the plot.  Can you think of a movie that revolves around a piece of jewelry? Not much.  And that is why I love Alfred Hitchcock's movies.


Vertigo…swirls are a repeating motif in the movie.
She somehow looks sinister…the emerald green against the blood red and black.  Well, she is sinister, we just don’t know it yet.
Notice the fragile black scarf against the white coat.  Textures and color. Genius!
Black turtleneck against a textured gray coat, with black gloves and chiffon scarf.
She gets a makeover, trying to elude the man, as a mousy brunette. Love the touch of polka dots.
Just finished a date in a lilac dress.  Notice how her clothes always compliment her hair?
Such a 50’s ensemble with the back-buttoned skirt, waist cinch and cardigan.
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OMG…gorgeous! And that dress was made to accentuate the necklace! It frames that unique necklace!
Now I don’t know about you, but I thought this was just as good as any ol’ editorial.