Sorry to interrupt your regularly scheduled fashion articles, but Susan Boyle didn't win "Britain's Got Talent", and apparently nobody is disappointed. I don't understand this. When I visited Perez Hilton's blog, I found out that a dance group named "Diversity" won, then I read the comments, and almost everyone said how they were so happy that this group won over Susan. Not only that, but a lot of the comments are about how much people disliked Susan. Am I missing something here? The group was good, obviously, but did I feel anything when watching them? No. All that I was thinking was "Ok. Cool..... When is this going to end now?". Seriously, the routine was good, but anyone who does anything to "Everybody Dance Now!" should not have won over Susan Boyle in my opinion. At least you feel some kind of emotion when you listen to Susan Boyle sing - it's not just people mimicking robots.

Here are some of the comments that I thought were interesting:

So, is that what this is about? America's perceptions?