Influence Me, Christy Turlington

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Today I was dressing my medoll when I put that braid the wrong way…but then I thought, “Whoa, doesn’t this sort of look like Christy Turlington’s W editorial from last year?” along with “wow, this also reminds me of Christian Dior Spring 2009”.

W Magazne August 2008
Christy Turlington Burns
Ph Michael Thompson

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Warrior goddess.

Now this is the proper time to use the word “fierce” and in the right context. And I don’t mean in the crazy-Tyra-made-up-the-word, fierce context.

Now here is the definition from Merriam Webster:



1 a: violently hostile or aggressive in temperament b: given to fighting or killing : pugnacious
2 a: marked by unrestrained zeal or vehemence <a fierce argument> b: extremely vexatious, disappointing, or intense <fierce pain>
3: furiously active or determined <make a fierce effort>
4: wild or menacing in appearance

How do you even begin posing like that?